Monday, 9 July 2018 forex factory 99 % of forex traders will lose money

Trading psychology the best knowledge

99 % of traders will actually lose money due to their mindsets, this because all our trading is done by subconscious mind.This psychology  information and knowledge is not told by any psychologist or trader , because the whole industry does not want traders to know , the industry wants you to lose.
Psychology is 100% of trading success. This is because the human with a mind is going to execute the trades  and a trader’s brain command centre makes all the trading decisions.The brain’s command centre can shut down due to stress responses , in the middle of a trade. Emotions can override rational trading rules, systems and methods taught by educators.

Your subconscious  mind will take over your trading  ,during live trading  , it will act like  a autopilot  with conscious awareness , blocking your rational brain  and rational trading decisions , to protect  you and your account from a loss .These actions by your subconscious are to fight, flight or freeze, if applied at the wrong time, all of which can be irrational decisions, acting irrationally   against trader's best rational decisions.

Planning and executing involve different skills that draw upon different parts of the brain. Planning the trade is largely a function of your intellect, the prefrontal cortex PFC. You create your plan in a relatively calm state of mind with your PFC in charge. But when it comes time to execute the plan, other areas of your brain will become involved.

Automatic Brain: most trading is by subconscious.

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Automatic mind takes over our trading , after a stress response ,emotional hijack and testosterone driven.It means all our trading plans , systems .rules and strategy instructions go out of the trading .The subconscious mind takes over our trading , it does all the damage  and creates self sabotage.Subconscious mind makes irrational , risky and damaging trade execution.

When a trade breaks down , your stop loss is hit , trade goes against you by a few ticks , market become chaotic , highly volatile and wild or other risk event , your subconscious takes over and your primitive response system comes in to give the commands of the brain.

subconscious emotional trade executions

Our emotions have helped us immeasurably over the course of human evolution. Emotional responses are milliseconds faster than cognitive (thinking) responses; the lightning-fast reactions that bypass the rational brain centers were often survival responses for our distant ancestors. The limbic brain sends us the warning of a crisis before the rational brain can even process the incoming signal: the body has been alerted and is ready to act on our behalf.

Our emotional brain takes over  trade executions ,blocks the rational brain  and behaves to the detriment of the trader and the systems to be executed.The prefrontal cortext holds the circuitry we need for abstract thought. It allows us to concentrate on the task at hand while storing useful information in temporary storage for later on. It also prevents you from performing inappropriate actions and is basically the command center for the brain.

subconscious emotional trade executions

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Use Thought Power to Change Your Life: It is your subconscious mind that is the storehouse of your deep-seated beliefs and programmes. To change yourcircumstances and attract to yourself that which you choose, you must learn to programme and re-programme your subconscious mind.

Recondition Your Mind For Success! - By Les Brown (Pure Motivation!)

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The Psychology of the Winning Trader The Exercise

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Blanking out: How stress can shut down the command centre in the brain

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BOOK:Trade Mindfully:  1st Edition by Gary Dayton  (Author)

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Successful traders know the enemy within , their psyche and human psychology , the failures don't know the enemy within you .

In trading the biggest enemy is within you ,there are no other enemies but you.

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Mark Douglas - MIND OVER MARKET (Full length Interview)

Trading in the Zone  Mark Douglas

The Disciplined Trader by Mark Douglas is another solid trading psychology book. 

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BOOK:Trade Your Way to Financial Freedom Hardcover – 16 Dec 2006