“Patience׃ The Professional's Edge“ by Dr Andrew Menaker
If traders don't understand the mind ,how it works subconsciously in trading , the traders can not have any plans for the 90% risk of under performance due to psychology.It is with the mind where traders lose in trading due to emotions ,stress , need to be right , subconscious emotional executions ,mind traps , automatic mind in trading , beliefs in trading , subconscious errors , brain command center shutdown during trading , brain freezing in trade executions ,the power the thought , negative wiring of human brain and it's performance in trading ,meditation , unreality reading of the real market conditions,cognitive biases in trading decisions , mental traps , benefits of patience and disadvantages of impatient traders , impulsive , self sabotage in trading executions , stress responses , amygdala hijackings ,personality , ego and other psyche characteristics.
Humans are sucked into emotional trading , our automatic faster subconscious mind using our amygdala , automatically blocks our rational brain and hijacks us into destructive behavioral pattern in live trading.
Amygdala Hijack & Emotional Intelligence
The Amygdala Hijack in Action!
If traders don't understand the mind ,how it works subconsciously in trading , the traders can not have any plans for the 90% risk of under performance due to psychology.It is with the mind where traders lose in trading due to emotions ,stress , need to be right , subconscious emotional executions ,mind traps , automatic mind in trading , beliefs in trading , subconscious errors , brain command center shutdown during trading , brain freezing in trade executions ,the power the thought , negative wiring of human brain and it's performance in trading ,meditation , unreality reading of the real market conditions,cognitive biases in trading decisions , mental traps , benefits of patience and disadvantages of impatient traders , impulsive , self sabotage in trading executions , stress responses , amygdala hijackings ,personality , ego and other psyche characteristics. Traders are humans and humans have emotions , this movie was very popular because of it's drama portraying emotions .Emotions of anger , frustrations , desire , greed , loss , chaos , silliness ,happiness , overconfidence, loss of control and sabotage and impatience etc .Observe the emotions in the movie , and learn mindfulness .
The movie is very relevant to traders and ironic to trading , gambling cigarettes , loss of cigarettes and wanting to get their losses back .In trading we try to get our losses back all the time.
You can also go to youtube , by searching on google , with any word from the following words below example is , I want to find
trading emotions , and youtube comes up with the following video.
Learn why I think trading psychology is worth 95% to the overall success of your trading. Find out if you fall in the average trader category and why you make poor trading decision that is holding you back.
About Emotions
There are 8 primary emotions. You are born with these emotions wired
into your brain. That wiring causes your body to react in certain ways
and for you to have certain urges when the emotion arises.
Here is a list of primary emotions:
Eight Primary Emotions
Anger: fury, outrage, wrath, irritability, hostility, resentment and violence.
Sadness: grief, sorrow, gloom, melancholy, despair, loneliness, and depression.
Fear: anxiety, apprehension, nervousness, dread, fright, and panic.
99 % of traders will actually lose money due to their mindsets, this because all our trading is done by subconscious mind.This psychology information and knowledge is not told by any psychologist or trader , because the whole industry does not want traders to know , the industry wants you to lose.
Psychology is 100% of trading success. This is because the human with a mind is going to execute the trades and a trader’s brain command centre makes all the trading decisions.The brain’s command centre can shut down due to stress responses , in the middle of a trade. Emotions can override rational trading rules, systems and methods taught by educators.
Your subconscious mind will take over your trading ,during live trading , it will act like a autopilot with conscious awareness , blocking your rational brain and rational trading decisions , to protect you and your account from a loss .These actions by your subconscious are to fight, flight or freeze, if applied at the wrong time, all of which can be irrational decisions, acting irrationally against trader's best rational decisions. Planning and executing involve different skills that draw upon different parts of the brain. Planning the trade is largely a function of your intellect, the prefrontal cortex PFC. You create your plan in a relatively calm state of mind with your PFC in charge. But when it comes time to execute the plan, other areas of your brain will become involved.
Automatic Brain: most trading is by subconscious.
Automatic mind takes over our trading , after a stress response ,emotional hijack and testosterone driven.It means all our trading plans , systems .rules and strategy instructions go out of the trading .The subconscious mind takes over our trading , it does all the damage and creates self sabotage.Subconscious mind makes irrational , risky and damaging trade execution.
When a trade breaks down , your stop loss is hit , trade goes against you by a few ticks , market become chaotic , highly volatile and wild or other risk event , your subconscious takes over and your primitive response system comes in to give the commands of the brain.
subconscious emotional trade executions
Our emotions have helped us immeasurably over the course of human evolution. Emotional responses are milliseconds faster than cognitive (thinking) responses; the lightning-fast reactions that bypass the rational brain centers were often survival responses for our distant ancestors. The limbic brain sends us the warning of a crisis before the rational brain can even process the incoming signal: the body has been alerted and is ready to act on our behalf. Our emotional brain takes over trade executions ,blocks the rational brain and behaves to the detriment of the trader and the systems to be executed.The prefrontal cortext holds the circuitry we need for abstract thought. It allows us to concentrate on the task at hand while storing useful information in temporary storage for later on. It also prevents you from performing inappropriate actions and is basically the command center for the brain. subconscious emotional trade executions
Use Thought Power to Change Your Life: It is your subconscious mind that is the storehouse of your deep-seated beliefs and programmes. To change yourcircumstances and attract to yourself that which you choose, you must learn to programme and re-programme your subconscious mind.
Recondition Your Mind For Success! - By Les Brown (Pure Motivation!)
Stress, Portrait of a Killer - Full Documentary (2008)
During times of stress, traders can be prone to not thinking clearly or making plenty of trading mistakes. Proper habits in trading execution might be thrown out the window when one is desperate to make money back after a series of losing trades
If traders don't understand the mind ,how it works subconsciously in trading , the traders can not have any plans for the 90% risk of under performance due to psychology.It is with the mind where traders lose in trading due to emotions ,stress , need to be right , subconscious emotional executions ,mind traps , automatic mind in trading , beliefs in trading , subconscious errors , brain command center shutdown during trading , brain freezing in trade executions ,the power the thought , negative wiring of human brain and it's performance in trading ,meditation , unreality reading of the real market conditions,cognitive biases in trading decisions , mental traps , benefits of patience and disadvantages of impatient traders , impulsive , self sabotage in trading executions , stress responses , amygdala hijackings ,personality , ego and other psyche characteristics.